Research Guides
Research and Practice Guide
“California Legislative History and Intent, Practical ‘How To’ Guidance for Improving Your Advocacy Skills When Legislative History/Intent is at Issue,” by Carolina C. Rose, J. D.
California Regulatory Research Guide
“Reconstructing Regulatory History and Intent, Valuable Guideposts for Wading Through the Morass That is California Regulatory Research,” by Carolina C. Rose, J. D.
The Magic Drawer
“A Collection of Index Cards, with Hand-Written Annotations, Which Provide all Register Citations by Title, 1945-1990” copied by Legislative Research Inc., from the Office of Administrative Law in Sacramento, California
The Morgue
“Case Law Invalidating California Regulations, Recent Decisions,” compiled by Mike Ibold, Law Librarian

Useful Articles
Statute Dates: “Helpful Tips Regarding California Statute Dates: Effective vs. Operative Dates & Retroactivity,” by Carolina C. Rose, J.D.
Complexities: “The Complexities of Doing California Legislative History Research,” by Carolina C. Rose, J.D.
Legislative History Notes: “Legislative History Notes: Correspondence Found in Legislative Bill Files,” by Carolina C. Rose, J.D.
Statutory Records: “California Statutory Records: Reconstructing Lost Legislative Annotations From 1850-Current,” by Carolina C. Rose, J.D.
Regulatory Snapshots: “Quick Tips: Reconstructing What a California Regulation Looked Like in the Past,” by Carolina C. Rose, J.D.

Handy Links
Office of the Assembly Clerk: Visit here for older statutes, final histories, and Assembly Journals
California Legislative Information: Visit here for bill text, final histories, and select analyses for bills from 1999-current
Senate Journal: Visit here for links to the Senate Journals
California State Library: Visit here to search the State Library’s catalog of published documents
California State Archives: Visit here to search the State Archive’s catalog of unpublished files